this is what I came home to yesterday...
You know that old saying..."when it rains, it pours"...well - the flood gates have opened at the Collins house.
Of course, this is perfect timing (note sarcasm). My husband and I just started Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University. What little we had saved is now going into a new bathroom. Did I mention that the bathroom floor literally fell through??? Yes, this is not an intentional remodel. This is a MUST, unless we want to start taking baths in the kitchen sink and using the neighbors' 'facilities'. This is a less than ideal situation.
I should have known better than to ask God to help me with my patience, to help me with my gentleness and attitude - because ladies, this is
So yeah - this is a HUGE lesson in patience, and gentleness and understanding. Whoever said God doesn't answer prayers has not met my God - and it seems He also has a sense of humor :)
But ya'll, I am blessed with a handsome man that is handy. Where I see this as an inconvenience, he sees this as an adventure. This is one of those times when my weakness are his strengths! Boy did God know what he was doing when he put the two of us together!! And I'm so glad He saw it fit for me to be his wife.
This is one of those times where complaints and laments come easy - but praise and appreciation is what needs to be proclaimed.
I get it...I really do. Thanks for the reminder God. Sometimes He has to let us go through a little inconvenience to truly appreciate what He has blessed us with.
Today I am thankful for the one, tiny little bathroom all of 4 of us share. I am thankful for a husband who works hard for his family. I am thankful for two little girls who haven't even breathed a sign of complaint about this whole mess of a situation...and I'm thankful my parents just live right down the road from us...and have been such a HUGE help during this whole ordeal!!
I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!! How is God stretching you this week? Have you seen the blessing in the mess?
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