I am so glad you are here...
So, I have a confession. I wondered into this mommyhood of blogs nearly 2 years ago. I was struggling as a stay at home mom - and then I struggled with transitioning to working outside of the home. I needed encouragement and support that I just wasn't finding in my home or in my circle of friends. I think www.womenlivingwell.org was the first blog I found. From there I discovered many more blogs that have since enriched my life and blessed me beyond measure. (You can find links to a few of these blogs on the right side of my blog page.)
Even before I found these blogs - I had been writing; mostly in journal format. I would write "articles" that I felt God had laid on my heart, then delete them as soon as I read them. What was I going to do with these? Who was I to try to encourage anyone when I was dealing with more than my own fair share of issues?
It was during these difficult times that I felt like God was really trying to make a message out of my mess. If I was experiencing "this" - surely at least one other mama was as well; and if I could help encourage one woman, wouldn't it be worth it?
For months I struggled - was I wanting to do this to bring praise to myself? Was I really doing this for God? I didn't have an English degree. I was just a twenty-something mom with two kids. I didn't really have that much life experience. So, even though I knew I was feeling the tug of the Holy Spirit on my heart to "move", I asked for confirmation. That confirmation came in the form of a comment left on one of my status updates on Facebook - in June of 2013.
Since June I have continued to write. I have made plans to get my blog up and running - but here in February of 2014 - I had still not activated my blog online.
What am I waiting for? It is no coincidence on my way into work one day last week (I went in late - so I was listening to the radio during a time I NEVER do) Greg Laurie preached on this same topic. His example was Moses - and the many excuses he made when God first called him. He said he wasn't a good speaker - he fumbled his words - "use Aaron instead", he said. Sounds a lot like myself! I have done that same song and dance for more than a year now.
During his message, Pastor Greg said (I'm paraphrasing) "the people who think they are qualified to do what God has called them to do - probably aren't really called to be doing it. God will use people who are not qualified - simply so they must draw all of their strength, all of their gifts, from God Himself."
So this whole time - I've been afraid to act because I felt I wasn't qualified - when God wants to use those unlikely people to do such things.
It brings a bigger testimony - it brings glory to whom it is due - God!
So here is my warning...I am NOT a writer. I am not a theologian, psychologist or great orator. I am simply an imperfect child of God, obeying the voice of my father. I encourage comments and discussion. If you are reading this and you are encouraged - let me know. If you have words of encouragement to offer - please do so. I want this to be a community where we can support, encourage and pray for one another. I care so deeply about helping other young wives and young moms on this crazy journey we are on. The good news is - we are not alone. We have a gracious, merciful God who will fully equip us for every adventure and bump in the road we encounter. And it is my prayer - you will find grace, love, support, encouragement and friendship here as well.
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